Great Spaces Inspire
That’s why so many artists and craftspeople make Hampton their home. Meet our talented neighbours during the Kings County Studio Tour; in local gardens during the Bloomin’ Artists event; or at a hands-on workshop in a local studio. Or explore public spaces dotted with art like the “Peace Wing” sculpture in Town Square (part of the International Sculpture Trail), the Burgeon Sculpture on Elizabeth Avenue, and the dozens of painted barn quilts installed on the Quilt Barn Tour.
Places & Experiences
Bloomin' Artists is a summer weekend of art, craft and inspiration.
The Quilt Barn Tour is a scenic route that is home to some of the loveliest - and most historic - areas of New Brunswick
Art at Hooper Studios is a unique centre for creative learning, artistic expression and energy wellness.
At The Barn in Bloomfield you'll step back in time and discover the beauty and simplicity of Shaker craftsmanship.
Explore stunning Canadian landscapes through the paintings of Helga Lobb Fine Art.