Environment Committee
This Committee is responsible for advising the Council on matters related to:
a) Review and recommendations of proposed new subdivision developments.
b) Recommendations of long term strategic planning and policy development regarding Environmental Issues such as air, soil, water, light and noise pollution. To Date the Committee has been involved in the following initiatives:
- Partners in Climate Protection – Milestones 1-5
- Various Initiatives involving the Kennebecasis River Watershed Restoration Committee out of Sussex – i.e Yellow Fish Road, Rain Barrel Initiative and potential Rain Garden Project
- Battery Recycling Program
- Input on Environmental Trust Fund Applications
Committee Chairperson:
Phil Taber
John Blenis
Blair Boudreau
Bailey Brogan
Pam McKenzie
Laura Meyers
Jean Northrup
Non-voting student:
Jordan Smith
Council representative:
Councillor Karin Boye, councillor.boye@hampton.ca
Staff Representative:
Arthur McCarthy, Director of Planning, Engineering & Development, arthur@hampton.ca
Marilyn Duplacey, Planning Co-ordinator, marilyn@hampton.ca