Emergency Measures Organization Committee
The Province of New Brunswick requires that each municipality, under the N.B. Emergency Measures Act, must be prepared to handle emergencies and disasters by establishing and maintaining an emergency plan. Events that occur that would result in the activation of the EMO group usually happen without warning. In order to be prepared, emergency plans are developed by the EMO group, approved by Council and NB EMO and are tested periodically either with a mock exercise or a table top exercise.
The EMO group meets on a monthly basis at our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located in the Town Emergency Services Building to discuss and work on the many events that could occur as a result of one of these unplanned events.The EMO team is currently seeking individuals with an interest in disaster response.
The Emergency Operations Centre in Hampton operates during emergency situations only. The phone number is 506-832-6470. Good news if there is no answer… that means there is no emergency situation in Hampton!
EMO Coordinator:
Ben LeBlanc, emo@hampton.ca
Committee Members:
Fred Cormier
Maura Collings
Darrell Banfield
Evelyn Millen
Robin Langford
Evelyn Bostwick
Laure Sheel
Bruce Whitaker
Council Representative
Councillor Karin Boye, councillor.boye@hampton.ca
Support Staff:,
Joanne Appleby, joanne@hampton.ca